Care Planning

Care Planning


ROXY AVENUE aims to provide the people we care for with a secure, relaxed, and homely environment in which their care, wellbeing and comfort are of prime importance and where their ongoing support and treatment for mental health needs can be met with dignity. Through our person-centred care planning approach an emphasis can be placed on a person’s needs as an individual. This focus is especially important when designing material that stimulates and encourages reminiscence and independence.

Our skilled carers strive to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and the privacy of everyone we care for, within a warm and caring atmosphere. Sensitivity to their ever- changing needs is crucial, whether these needs are medical, therapeutic, cultural, psychological, spiritual, emotional or social. Key to effective person-centred care planning is the participation of trained staff.

Participation in the development of individualised advanced care plans is encouraged, where the input of healthcare professionals, family and friends is also greatly valued; again, this input is especially important with those who have mental health conditions.

Our care plans aid in the creation of programmes of activities that are designed to encourage mental alertness, self-esteem and an increased level of social interaction with others.

Care Plan Review

Once developed the care plans are regularly reviewed to ensure that the person is responding well and that the plan a true reflection of the individual it is designed to describe.

Family and relatives are encouraged to participate in the person’s daily routine as far as is practicable and are invited to monthly formal reviews. Key workers attend these reviews, and it is a chance for us to ensure everyone is receiving the support they need in line with their personal choices and preferences.

The care plan is reviewed at three levels:

Daily on a shift-to-shift basis – At staff shift changeover the person’s daily care notes are handed by the out-going shift to staff on the in-coming shift and the person’s responses and activity patterns are discussed as needed. Changes to the care plan may be proposed at this point.

Thereafter a formal review is held with the person’s key worker on a monthly basis, family members are welcome to attend this meeting.

A six-monthly review is held twice a year, where family members are formally invited to attend this meeting.

All amendments to the care plan require the authorisation of the Home Manager or Senior Carer; certain amendments may require the authorisation of the person’s GP or their healthcare provider. all amendments to the care plan are recorded in full.

We will establish the working parameters of this service by gaining agreement on the legislative care and business aspects of running the service from CQC.

We will establish the operational and human resource management aspects of the company and be compliant with the law and best practice principles.

We will have in place a quality management system and approach to the business ensuring the delivery of high standard of care and interventions using established quality assurance tools such as Coroner Care Standards and adherence to CQC care standards.

We are establishing robust partnership.