Admissions and Referrals

Preadmission Assessment: To determine suitability of a referral, there will be a preadmission assessment, which involve the referring agency providing a comprehensive chronology, up to date risk assessment as well as an assessment of the service user. The Registered Manager will undertake an initial assessment to determine suitability for the service. A significant factor for admission to the service will be the motivation of the service user to engage in continued support and treatment and therapeutic activities and other service users.

Clients interested in coming to ROXY AVENUE are encouraged to visit the Home and sample the atmosphere and level of service. We recognise that the decision to move into a care home can be emotional for the person and their family, therefore, we aim to support people through this process by giving them as much information as possible and answering all their questions and ensuring the home welcoming and open.

Care Pathway: Prior to admission, a full-needs assessment of the service user and a bespoke care plan and risk assessment is prepared and reviewed in detail, with the referring commissioning entity. Following admission, this care plan is reviewed and updated accordingly. Every pathway is individualised although we aim to support transition to support living or independent living.

Referrals: Referrals to ROXY AVENUE continued support and/or treatment, rehabilitation and recovery will be considered

  • When a person with the mental health conditions or a person with learning disabilities with a dual diagnosis of mental health needs requires a discharge from a hospital setting with the aim of discharge to community.
  • When a person is facing a transition from a highly supported setting to a less supported placement, this includes service users leaving out of area placements or leaving hospital or residential care to live in the community.
  • When a person needs help overcoming disabilities associated with mental health problems that would benefit from a structured environment that offers continuous support, treatment and therapeutic programme.
  • When a service user with a history of behaviours that challenge either by harm to self, others or property.
  • For care, support and treatment in an environment which is rehabilitative and may be longer-term.
  • When any professional or commissioner can refer a service user to ROXY AVENUE. Referrals will be made to the Registered Manager using our Initial Referral Form. The Referral will be considered by the Home Manager as to whether the referred service user meets criteria for a preadmission assessment. The outcome of the decision will be formally notified to the referrer.

Referrals are made in writing by commissioning entities or individual social workers. We take referrals from nationwide and will consider the service users with the following diagnosis.

  • Attachment Disorders
  • Mixed Disorder of Conduct and Emotions
  • Personality Disorders
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Autism
  • Mood Disorders
  • PTSD
  • Eating Disorders
  • Mild to moderate Learning Disabilities with a Mental Health Disorder

For more information and to make referrals please call us on 02078709182 or email us: